Геном прокариот/Материалы:NC 005071

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   LOCUS       NC_005071            2410873 bp    DNA     circular BCT 16-JUN-2006
   DEFINITION  Prochlorococcus marinus str. MIT 9313, complete genome.
   ACCESSION   NC_005071
   VERSION     NC_005071.1  GI:33862273
   KEYWORDS    complete genome.
   SOURCE      Prochlorococcus marinus str. MIT 9313
     ORGANISM  Prochlorococcus marinus str. MIT 9313
               Bacteria; Cyanobacteria; Prochlorales; Prochlorococcaceae;
   REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 2410873)
     AUTHORS   Rocap,G., Larimer,F.W., Lamerdin,J., Malfatti,S., Chain,P.,
               Ahlgren,N.A., Arellano,A., Coleman,M., Hauser,L., Hess,W.R.,
               Johnson,Z.I., Land,M., Lindell,D., Post,A.F., Regala,W., Shah,M.,
               Shaw,S.L., Steglich,C., Sullivan,M.B., Ting,C.S., Tolonen,A.,
               Webb,E.A., Zinser,E.R. and Chisholm,S.W.
     TITLE     Genome divergence in two Prochlorococcus ecotypes reflects oceanic
               niche differentiation
     JOURNAL   Nature 424 (6952), 1042-1047 (2003)
      PUBMED   12917642
   REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 2410873)
     CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (19-AUG-2003) National Center for Biotechnology
               Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
   REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 2410873)
     AUTHORS   Larimer,F. and Rocap,G.
     CONSRTM   Prochlorococcus genome consortium
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (03-JUL-2003) Submitted on behalf of the Prochlorococcus
               genome consortium, the DOE Joint Genome Institute, Production
               Genomics Facility, 2800 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598,
               USA, and the Genome Analysis Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
               1060 Commerce Park Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA;
   COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
               NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from BX548175.
               COMPLETENESS: full length.

Расположение РНК

Начало Конец Направление Длина PID Ген COG Комментарий
42282 42353 - 72 33862273 RNA_44 - 01 Gly tRNA
87820 87891 + 72 33862273 RNA_1 - 01 Gly tRNA
208864 214254 + 5391 33862273 RNA_45 - rRNA operon
208864 210328 + 1465 33862273 RNA_53 -
210511 210584 + 74 33862273 RNA_2 - 14 Ile tRNA
210594 210666 + 73 33862273 RNA_3 - 02 Ala tRNA
211158 214033 + 2876 33862273 RNA_54 -
214140 214254 + 115 33862273 RNA_55 -
227745 227816 - 72 33862273 RNA_43 - 12 Thr tRNA
227824 227908 - 85 33862273 RNA_42 - 18 Tyr tRNA
329018 329102 + 85 33862273 RNA_4 - 08 Ser tRNA
365281 365387 + 107 33862273 RNA_49 - signal recognition particle RNA (4.5 S RNA)
370810 370882 - 73 33862273 RNA_41 - 09 His tRNA
379360 379441 - 82 33862273 RNA_40 - 15 Leu tRNA
380928 381011 + 84 33862273 RNA_5 - 15 Leu tRNA
430628 430700 + 73 33862273 RNA_6 - 02 Ala tRNA
518780 518865 + 86 33862273 RNA_7 - 15 Leu tRNA
540453 540526 - 74 33862273 RNA_39 - 03 Pro tRNA
755235 755321 + 87 33862273 RNA_8 - 08 Ser tRNA
819958 820031 + 74 33862273 RNA_9 - 16 Met tRNA
871424 871510 + 87 33862273 RNA_10 - 08 Ser tRNA
904478 904554 + 77 33862273 RNA_11 - 16 Met tRNA
1002550 1002623 + 74 33862273 RNA_12 - 03 Pro tRNA
1129199 1129270 - 72 33862273 RNA_38 - 10 Lys tRNA
1191237 1191312 + 76 33862273 RNA_13 - 04 Glu tRNA
1394722 1394794 + 73 33862273 RNA_14 - 20 Trp tRNA
1395301 1395374 + 74 33862273 RNA_15 - 06 Asp tRNA
1410332 1410403 + 72 33862273 RNA_16 - 13 Val tRNA
1466353 1466426 + 74 33862273 RNA_17 - 11 Arg tRNA
1484518 1484588 - 71 33862273 RNA_37 - 01 Gly tRNA
1522156 1522227 + 72 33862273 RNA_18 - 13 Val tRNA
1623006 1623080 + 75 33862273 RNA_19 - 12 Thr tRNA
1677627 1677897 - 271 33862273 RNA_48 - tmRNA, 10Sa RNA, SsrA (precursor permuted)
1689824 1689905 - 82 33862273 RNA_36 - 15 Leu tRNA
1748234 1753624 - 5391 33862273 RNA_46 - rRNA operon
1748234 1748348 - 115 33862273 RNA_52 -
1748455 1751330 - 2876 33862273 RNA_51 -
1751822 1751894 - 73 33862273 RNA_35 - 02 Ala tRNA
1751904 1751977 - 74 33862273 RNA_34 - 14 Ile tRNA
1752160 1753624 - 1465 33862273 RNA_50 -
1762100 1762171 + 72 33862273 RNA_20 - 12 Thr tRNA
1778675 1778750 + 76 33862273 RNA_21 - 17 Phe tRNA
1800851 1800921 - 71 33862273 RNA_33 - 19 Cys tRNA
1816942 1817015 - 74 33862273 RNA_32 - 11 Arg tRNA
1831862 1831933 - 72 33862273 RNA_31 - 05 Gln tRNA
1854201 1854289 + 89 33862273 RNA_22 - 08 Ser tRNA
1870397 1870470 - 74 33862273 RNA_30 - 03 Pro tRNA
1905155 1905227 + 73 33862273 RNA_23 - 02 Ala tRNA
1921407 1921488 - 82 33862273 RNA_29 - 15 Leu tRNA
1956690 1956763 - 74 33862273 RNA_28 - 11 Arg tRNA
2059323 2059396 - 74 33862273 RNA_27 - 11 Arg tRNA
2059435 2059832 + 398 33862273 RNA_47 - bacterial ribonuclease P RNA component of ribozyme
2101164 2101235 + 72 33862273 RNA_24 - 07 Asn tRNA
2143041 2143115 + 75 33862273 RNA_25 - Xaa tRNA
2336629 2336700 - 72 33862273 RNA_26 - 13 Val tRNA