Геном прокариот/Материалы:NC 007335

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   LOCUS       NC_007335            1842899 bp    DNA     circular BCT 16-JUN-2006
   DEFINITION  Prochlorococcus marinus str. NATL2A, complete genome.
   ACCESSION   NC_007335
   VERSION     NC_007335.1  GI:72381840
   KEYWORDS    .
   SOURCE      Prochlorococcus marinus str. NATL2A
     ORGANISM  Prochlorococcus marinus str. NATL2A
               Bacteria; Cyanobacteria; Prochlorales; Prochlorococcaceae;
   REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1842899)
     AUTHORS   Copeland,A., Lucas,S., Lapidus,A., Barry,K., Detter,J.C.,
               Glavina,T., Hammon,N., Israni,S., Pitluck,S., Thiel,J., Schmutz,J.,
               Larimer,F., Land,M., Lykidis,A. and Richardson,P.
     TITLE     Complete sequence of Prochlorococcus marinus str. NATL2A
     JOURNAL   Unpublished
   REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1842899)
     CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (12-AUG-2005) National Center for Biotechnology
               Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
   REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1842899)
     AUTHORS   Copeland,A., Lucas,S., Lapidus,A., Barry,K., Detter,J.C.,
               Glavina,T., Hammon,N., Israni,S., Pitluck,S., Thiel,J., Schmutz,J.,
               Larimer,F., Land,M., Lykidis,A. and Richardson,P.
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (08-AUG-2005) US DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2800
               Mitchell Drive B100, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1698, USA
   COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
               NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from CP000095.
               URL -- http://www.jgi.doe.gov
               Source DNA and bacteria available from Sallie Chisholm
               Whole genome sequencing and draft assembly at JGI-PGF
               Finishing done by JGI-PGF
               Quality assurance done by JGI-Stanford
               Annotation done by JGI-ORNL and JGI-PGF
               Contacts: Paul Richardson (microbes@cuba.jgi-psf.org)
               Finished microbial genomes have been curated to close all gaps with
               greater than 98% coverage of at least two independent clones. Each
               base pair has a minimum q (quality) value of 30 and the total error
               rate is less than one per 50000.
               COMPLETENESS: full length.

Расположение РНК

Начало Конец Направление Длина PID Ген COG Комментарий
6633 6718 - 86 72381840 PMN2A_R0001 - 15 Leu tRNA
97031 97117 - 87 72381840 PMN2A_R0002 - 08 Ser tRNA
221884 221960 - 77 72381840 PMN2A_R0003 - 16 Met tRNA
246971 247044 - 74 72381840 PMN2A_R0004 - 03 Pro tRNA
296539 296625 + 87 72381840 PMN2A_R0005 - 08 Ser tRNA
347522 347595 + 74 72381840 PMN2A_R0006 - 16 Met tRNA
490082 490153 + 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0007 - 01 Gly tRNA
562378 562454 - 77 72381840 PMN2A_R0008 - 03 Pro tRNA
571642 571713 - 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0009 - 10 Lys tRNA
619098 619170 + 73 72381840 PMN2A_R0010 - 04 Glu tRNA
731255 731341 - 87 72381840 PMN2A_R0011 - 08 Ser tRNA
767394 767467 + 74 72381840 PMN2A_R0012 - 11 Arg tRNA
774522 774594 - 73 72381840 PMN2A_R0013 - 02 Ala tRNA
821196 821277 + 82 72381840 PMN2A_R0014 - 15 Leu tRNA
826578 826650 + 73 72381840 PMN2A_R0015 - 09 His tRNA
831781 831881 - 101 72381840 PMN2A_R0016 - SRP RNA; RNA component of signal recognitionparticle
846978 847048 - 71 72381840 PMN2A_R0017 - 01 Gly tRNA
879886 879957 + 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0018 - 13 Val tRNA
973848 973919 + 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0019 - 12 Thr tRNA
1048175 1048263 - 89 72381840 PMN2A_R0020 - 08 Ser tRNA
1068668 1068739 + 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0021 - 05 Gln tRNA
1081979 1082052 + 74 72381840 PMN2A_R0022 - 11 Arg tRNA
1097953 1098023 + 71 72381840 PMN2A_R0023 - 19 Cys tRNA
1117566 1117639 - 74 72381840 PMN2A_R0024 - 11 Arg tRNA
1117731 1118062 + 332 72381840 PMN2A_R0025 - RNA component of RNaseP
1192797 1192868 - 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0026 - 01 Gly tRNA
1241676 1241747 - 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0027 - 13 Val tRNA
1387185 1387414 - 230 72381840 PMN2A_R0028 - tmRNA
1396415 1396496 - 82 72381840 PMN2A_R0029 - 15 Leu tRNA
1459663 1459734 + 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0030 - 07 Asn tRNA
1567638 1567720 - 83 72381840 PMN2A_R0031 - 15 Leu tRNA
1586551 1586624 - 74 72381840 PMN2A_R0032 - 11 Arg tRNA
1602212 1602284 - 73 72381840 PMN2A_R0033 - 16 Met tRNA
1644967 1645042 - 76 72381840 PMN2A_R0034 - 17 Phe tRNA
1655248 1655319 - 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0035 - 12 Thr tRNA
1663376 1664769 + 1394 72381840 PMN2A_R0036 - 16S ribosomal RNA
1664994 1665067 + 74 72381840 PMN2A_R0037 - 14 Ile tRNA
1665077 1665149 + 73 72381840 PMN2A_R0038 - 02 Ala tRNA
1665459 1668333 + 2875 72381840 PMN2A_R0039 - 23S ribosomal RNA
1668425 1668541 + 117 72381840 PMN2A_R0040 - 5S ribosomal RNA
1682303 1682374 - 72 72381840 PMN2A_R0041 - 12 Thr tRNA
1682386 1682467 - 82 72381840 PMN2A_R0042 - 18 Tyr tRNA
1761579 1761652 - 74 72381840 PMN2A_R0043 - 06 Asp tRNA
1762078 1762150 - 73 72381840 PMN2A_R0044 - 20 Trp tRNA